Territorial Just Transition Plans - build your scorecard Gehe zur wwf.eu Website

How does your Territorial Just Transition Plan shape up? Get your score.

The EU Just Transition Fund is a new fund proposed by the European Commission. It will become operational from the start of 2021 and will run for the next seven years under the current Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of the EU until the end of 2027.


Test your plan

All Member States are required to develop Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) in order to access funding from the Just Transition Fund. These local-level strategies must be developed in public consultation with all relevant stakeholders, including civil society and local community representatives as set out by the European Code of Conduct on Partnership. The plans are to be submitted by each Member State either as a single country-wide TJTP or several region-specific TJTPs to the European Commission, following adequate public consultations with civil society.

Our tool allows you to assess whether these draft or final plans are effective to deliver a truly just transition, aligned with the Paris Agreement. It is aimed at policy makers, municipalities, civil society and other partners involved in developing the plans to provide information about what makes a good plan and to enable them to evaluate the quality of the plan as it develops.



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